
U.S. Growers Need A Replacement for Methyl Bromide

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U.S. Growers Need A Replacement for Methyl Bromide 
Congress to Examine the Issue in 23 Days
        May 18 >>> 23 Days and Counting
# 1	The 1990 Clean Air Act ban of methyl bromide begins on January 1,1999.
	This highly toxic fumigant gas is used as a pesticide that depletes the ozone layer.
	Ozone depletion is linked to rising rates of skin cancer, eye cataracts, and damage 	
to key ecosystems.
	EPA classifies methyl bromide as a Category 1 acute toxin.
	Growers inject methyl bromide into soil before planting to control soilborne pests, 	
fungus, and weeds.
	The industry also fumigates buildings and stored agriculture commodities with the 	
toxic gas.
#2    	American growers need a replacement for methyl bromide.
	Methyl bromide helps to grow over 100 different crops.
	Production crops such as fresh market tomatoes, strawberries, and peppers
	are highly dependent on methyl bromide use.
	The toxic gas controls pest insects, nematodes, weeds, pathogens, and rodents. Over 	
50 million pounds are consumed each year in the U.S.
#3    	The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has spent $100 million to find an 	
alternative to methyl bromide.
	USDA's Agriculture Research Service (ARS) has come up empty-handed.
	"They are just re-mixing chemicals," says a knowledgeable observer.
#4 	The Industry has developed alternatives. 
	For more information please visit www.champon.com