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Re: Is mulch sustainable?

Andrew Bennett wrote:
> I am already working on Biodynamics, kelp and just letting
> the weeds grow.
A slightly different approach is to select your weeds to your advantage,
e.g. plant nitrogen producing low-growing plants instead.  The result is
a "living mulch", no work required to shift it and you will not up-set
the cows.

I do not know what to suggest where you live, butI have planted Barrel
Medic as a self seeding winter cover and a mixture of Lucerne/Alfalfa,
Red and white clover for the summer.

The philosophy is to reduce work required, at the same time as improving
the soil where your grapes are growing.  I have use inoculants
(Rhizobium bacteria) to assist nitrogen production.

Think about it!

