
job announcement- garden production coordinator

The coordinator will work with partners in the Watts Growin' project
including the Southland Farmers' Market Association, the Common Ground
Gardening Program,  and the Los Angeles Community Food Security Network to
introduce Los Angeles area community gardeners to intensive gardening

The coordinator will design, coordinate, and conduct workshops which assist
community gardeners to boost production for home use and small scale
marketing. Topics might include integrated pest management, seasonal
gardening, square foot gardening and composting, among others. The
coordinator  will have a special focus at the Watts Community Garden, and
will assist gardeners to plan and implement a market garden.

Strong knowledge of gardening is required, with significant market gardening
experience preferred. Experience in training or teaching is desirable.
Spanish language fluency is strongly preferred. Candidates must have a
reliable vehicle and automobile insurance. This 20 hour per week, one year
position will pay $12/hour.

To apply, submit a cover letter and resume to Southland Farmers' market
Association, 1308 Factory Place, Los Angeles CA 90013. For more information
contact Rachel Mabie at 213-744-4345. Please apply by April 18. 1997