
Re: Earthworms / Rodale Institute


Sorry about the last posting. I just noticed I gave the wrong web 
address for information on Rodale Institute. Please direct your browser 


I tend to let my fingers type without thinking (grin). The sites at 
Moscow State Univ. not Michigan State (woops).



Roger Bairstow
Communications Manager
Global Program
Tel:  (610) 683-1459
Fax:  (610) 683-8548

	  	          Rodale Institute
             Healthy Soil - Healthy Food - Healthy People

Roger Bairstow wrote:
> Hi Stacy,
> At the moment, you can check out our *temporary* web site at:
> http://fadr.msu.edu/rodale
> However, this is only temporary. We are in the process of setting up our
> new web server, and I'm hoping to have that ready by August. I'll make
> an official announcement when it's to open. But, for now, I have placed
> general program overviews and backissues of our International Ag-Sieve
> newsletter at the above web site. I hope you find it interesting. Please
> feel free to direct any questions or comments to me.
> Regards,
> Roger