
Entry form for SAN's Showcase

Please send to Kerri Deuchler, not to me!  Andy

Submittal form for 
SHOWCASE of Sustainable Agriculture Information and Education Materials
a display sponsored by the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN)
emphasizing materials that synthesize information in a form that is readily
usable by farmers.

Intended audience:  Farmers__   Extension Agents__   College Students__ 
Name of Organization                                                   
Today's Date                 
City                                     State                                 
Phone (    )    _        FAX (    )    _        Email                          
State(s) where work was completed                            

Was project funded by SARE?  Yes      No       SARE project #                  
Check one: New item for Showcase__ Update__ Deletion__
(If update or deletion, fill in: SHB___ p.___; if update, fill out only
information that has changed)
Date Published            Cost:  $        per publication or set of materials
Available in Quantities?  Yes__ No__
Can be freely copied or duplicated?  Yes__ No__
Contact to order or to request more information:
Name                                                    Phone                  
Abstract or short description (100 words maximum):

Index/Key words:

Format medium (brochure, factsheet, video, handbook, audio tape, newsletter,
software, etc.)

Submitted by:
Name                                     Affiliation                           
Complete address/phone/email only if different from organization listed above:
State                                  ZIP                          
Phone (      )      _          FAX (      )      _          Email              

Please fill out a separate form for each publication or material, and send it
along with one copy of each item to: Kerri Deuchler, c/o Sustainable
Agriculture Research and Education, 0322 Symons Hall, College Park, MD 20742. 
(deuchler@wam.umd.edu).  Submissions on disk or via e-mail are encouraged.

Materials will not be returned--they will be added to the collection at the
National Agricultural Library.