
Re: News Advisory: Still Crazy After Oil These Years!

af329@james.freenet.hamilton.on.ca (Scott Nudds) wrote for all to see:

>David Beorn
>: Exactly - human CO2 is basically insignificant compared to what nature
>: produces.
>  Very false.  The actions of man have substantially increased the
>amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, and rates of emission continue to
>  You might as well try to argue that you can not die from 1 litre of
>water because your body is contains 81 times as much without any harm at
>  You have a closed mind John Boy.  You should really try to open it.

Please learn how to use your new reader, Mr. Nudds.  One each of you
postings is quite sufficient.  Trust me on this.

Regards, Harold
"It is very clear that political propagandists that accuse 
Stalin of the murder of millions, simply don't know what 
they are talking about."
	---Scott Nudds, 6/6/96

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