
Reminder: Farm Bill Satellite Series Date Changes!!!

Washington State University Cooperative Extension, USDA Farm Services
Agency, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, USDA Risk Management
Agency and WSU Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources are
sponsoring a satellite series on the 1996 Farm Bill (Federal Agriculture
Improvement and Reform Act). 

 We have just received several changes in the date, time and coordinates of
the October and November satellite programs.  

Please note: 

The October 18 Satellite program on Conservation issues has been rescheduled
to November 22, 1996 8:00 am to 9:30 am Pacific time.  Federal rules on
EQUIP, CRP, and Conservation Compliance would not have been finalized in
time for the October 18 broadcast.  There will be no broadcast on October 18.

The Wetlands broadcast originally scheduled for Nov 22 has been postponed
for the same reasons.

The Satellite broadcast on Risk Management will be aired as planned on
November 1, 8 AM to 10 AM.

November broadcasts will air on Telestar 401, ch.17 C-Band.  

As more information is available, we will be sending it out to you.  Thanks
for your patience.