
Synergy Magazine

Dear Sanet People

We would like to announce the rebirth of Synergy Magazine.  It is a
quarterly with a six year history of publishing stories about organic
farming and related isses based in the Western Provinces and Northern
Plains States.  After a break of about one year while the new
publisher/editors got up to speed in the magazine business, the first
issue of the New Synergy is about to hit the stands.

As in the past, the magazine prints items relating to organic
agriculture, sustainable forestry practices, alternatvie energy
technology, policy analysis, profiles of farmers and communities who are
putting these alternative ideas to work, and practical "how-to" stories
about people and their innovations.  We also have a regular feature where
organizations tell about their major projects, research, issues, lobbying
efforts, etc. that they are working on.  We hope this will lead to a
"synergy" of people working together, combining experience and energy for
mutual benefit.  We will also be looking at international connections
between the people and the work being done in various countries.

We are really excitied about our new publishing adventure.  We invite you
to subscribe at only $22.00 per year in Canada, or $32.00 for a Canadian
corporate or institutional subscription.  In the USA and other countries 
add $3.00 to the price to cover increased postal costs, or for
convenience pay in US funds.

Our address is 

Synergy Magazine
Box 8803
Saskatoon, Sask.
S7K 6S6

email is synergy@link.ca
fax is 306-664-6074

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Cathy Holtslander  and  Mark Bidwell
