
Could you help us? from Japan

Dear Sir,
   I'm a curator of a museum named "Biohistory Research Hall" located in Osa
ka, JAPAN.
   Now we are researching a Phylogenetic-Tree of Ground-beetles with analyzi
ng DNA.
   We wish to procuring "Ceroglossus", the ground-beetle in Chile, South Ame
rica, but dipped in alcohol immediately after catching it for saving DNA.
   But we have no information about incsect dealers in America.
   I really wish you would be able to help us on this matter.
   Your kind reply will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerery,
Shuya TANIMOTO(Curator for BRH)
E-mail:tanimoto@mailgate.inner.brh.co.jp (Shuya TANIMOTO)
Address; BRH, 1-1, Murasaki-cho, Takatsuki, Osaka, 569-11, JAPAN
(Internet Homepage(sorry, Japanese only)=http://www.jtnet.ad.jp/BRH/)