
Re: Tagasaste advice needed

Dan Settles wrote:
>         Reply to:   Tagasaste advice needed
> Hello,
> I am hoping that someone on the list can give me some advice about growing
> Tagasaste.  I just received some seeds, but I have no instructions about
> how to start them.  If anyone has experience starting these plants from
> seeds, I'd appreciate it if you could help me out.  Thanks very much.
> Dan Settles
> dan_settles@cellbio.duke.edu


Tagasaste seeds have a hard coat - you can either scratch the end
of the seed with fine sandpaper - the end opposite where it joined the 
pod, or pour boiling wated over the seeds and let it cool/stand for
24 hours.

Some recommend innoculating the seed prior to sowing but I get reasonable

Please let me knoe if you require any further info


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