
sulets Newsletter

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    -+- Announcing the formation of yesyouLETSystems Registry -+-

Yesyou, formerly Salford University LETSystems Registry has now
disassociated itself with Salford University and is opperating as an
independant LETSystems Registry serving registered LETSystem users,
primarily within the Mersey Basin bioregion.

Yesyou is being managed and developed by myself, Rob Squires of CTCSystems,
based in St.Helens, Merseyside (U.K.). CTCSystems is also active in LETSgo
Manchester, developing the Greater Manchester LETSystems registry network,
with principal activities being the development of Salford University LETSystem.

We exist on the WWW at:


Included within the page is an on-line form for registering with Yesyou and
a submission form so that details of transactions can be mailed directly to
the registry.

There are also links to Salford Uni's 100% on-line LETSystem which opperates
entirely through the WWW and E:mail. 

The Salford University LETSystem Web pages have now been revamped and the
directry service (being maintained by CTCSystems) operates entirely through
Web pages. It would be beneficial for Yesyou if suLETS users could send
feedback on these pages, particuly ways in which the pages could be
improved, or any areas of unclarity concerning LETSystems and Registry

Thankyou for reading this announcement.

                         Rob Squires of CTCSystems 
                   --- Coaptation Towards Collectivism  ---    

                          Phone/Fax (01744) 612778 