
Re: Permaculture International (fwd) (fwd)

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From: BDTG82B@prodigy.com (Beatrice Adler)
Newsgroups: alt.sustainable.agriculture
Subject: Re: Permaculture International (fwd)
Date: 14 Apr 1996 20:35:15 GMT
Organization: Prodigy Services Company  1-800-PRODIGY

This is an inquiry for a friend who is attempting sustainable agriculture 
Guatemala - in the mountains, poor soil, a 4 mo. dry season, springlike
climate. She was in the Peace Corps and has chosen to remain. She is
growing vegetables, mulching, has goats, goat milk and makes goat
cheese, has chickens. She uses her gardening as a basis for training the
local folks (extremely poor) how to make better use of their land, and 
to Guatemalan government groups as well as Peace Corps groups, and of
course, the local people. She needs new ideas on how to improve her
operation, new ideas on what she can do. This is a very low budget
operation, deliberately so, so that the local people will be able to 
Will appreciate any material I can get to forward to her.  By the way, 
has no electricity and very limited water.  
Prodigy address is bdtg82b.com    Beatrice
  BEATRICE ADLER  BDTG82B@prodigy.com

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