Permanent Publications - Permaculture

Lawrence F. London, Jr. (
Sun, 13 Apr 1997 22:18:12 -0400

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Lawrence F. London, Jr.

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<TITLE>Permanent Publications - Permaculture</TITLE>

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<p><IMG SRC = "pic1.gif" width=120 height=120 align=left> <p align=middle ><H1>Permanent Publications - PERMACULTURE</H1></P>

<HR size =5> <h2> </h2> <font size = 4><center>Welcome to the Permanent Publications PERMACULTURE web site</center></P> <h2> </h2> <HR size =5>

<H2>Contents</H2><P> <UL> <H4><IMG ALIGN = bottom SRC = "bluedot.gif"><A HREF = "http:what.html">What is Permaculture?</A></H4><P>

<H4><IMG ALIGN = bottom SRC = "bluedot.gif"><A HREF = "http:design.html">Designing Edible Landscapes to Mend the Whole</A></H4><P>

<H4><IMG ALIGN = bottom SRC = "bluedot.gif"><A HREF = "http:pmag.html">Permaculture Magazine - Ecological Solutions For Everyday Life</A></H4><P>

<H4><IMG ALIGN = bottom SRC = "bluedot.gif"><A HREF = "http:ppc.html">Permanent Publications Catalogue - A Selection of Resource Information</A></H4><P>

<H4><IMG ALIGN = bottom SRC = "bluedot.gif"><A HREF = "http:team.html">Who puts together Permaculture Magazine?</A> </H4><P>

<H4><IMG ALIGN = bottom SRC = "bluedot.gif"><A HREF = "http:news.html">Permaculture News</A> </H4><P>

<H4><IMG ALIGN = bottom SRC = "bluedot.gif"><A HREF = "http:edwood.html">Growing an Edible Woodland Garden to Heal The Earth</A> </H4><P>

<H4><IMG ALIGN = bottom SRC = "bluedot.gif"><A HREF = "http:forgar.html">Forest Garden Projects in the UK</A> </H4><P>

<H4><IMG ALIGN = bottom SRC = "bluedot.gif"><A HREF = "http:url.html">A selection of related websites - explore!</A> </H4><P>


<HR size =5> For further information and full <font size = 3><blink> FREE </blink></font size = 3> catalogue, contact:<P> <h2> </h2> <UL> PERMANENT PUBLICATIONS, Hyden House Limited, Little Hyden Lane, Clanfield, Hampshire, PO8 0RU, England. </UL> <h2> </h2> Tel: (01705) 596 500; Fax: (01705) 595 834; Overseas: (int. code + 44 - 1705) <h2> </h2> or email us at <a></A> with any inquiries.

<h2> </h2> <HR size =5> <h2> </h2>

This page is maintained by <a>Greg Samways</A>, who would welcome any comments or ideas for improvements. The text has been compiled by the <A HREF = "http:team.html">team</A> at Permanent Publications.<P>

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