re: Bermuda grass

Mark Ludwig (
Wed, 19 Mar 1997 11:06:37 -0600

>Now if someone can tell me how to control bermuda grass when it goes aquatic
>it will be a fair swap. In one pond that we have, it holds its own against
>water hyacinth(1) and in our canal is as serious a blockage as willow. I'm
>betting on Asian water buffalo, but as they swim underwater they could be
>difficult to confine in places. any ideas?
How about grass carp and dabbleing ducks? Is this a confined area that you
could release the carp into without the wrath of the FL government comming
down on you? I would think the combination of tasty treats for the bovine
and negitive expiriances with aligators might help keep the buffalo close to
home. How do the Asians keep them home?
Mark Ludwig
Student - UW School for Beginning Dairy Farmers
King of the weed pullers - Otter Creek Organic Farm
Grains, beef, compost and ?