1996 International Permaculture Convergence.

Victor Guest (vic@daena.eepo.dialix.oz.au)
Wed, 01 Feb 1995 12:38:09 WST


PAWA the Permaculture Association of Western Australia is all set to
host the 1996 International Permaculture Convergence.

The Address for enquirys' is convergence@eepo.com.au or

The time is September/October which is the time our wildflowers are at their

People coming to the convergence/conference are asked to reply as early as
possible to help us decide on the choice of venue and on catering etc.

Please indicate if you are likely to bring family, numbers, boys/girls
ages etc.

Tours of our vast state, are expected to be organised before during and
after the convergence, so if you are interested in a tour of a specific
aspect this information will be valuable in planning.

If you would like to present a paper at the conference, and would like to
submit an outline of that paper, expressions of interest will be registered
with the convenor, at the above address.

We intend to have an EXPO, and if you would like space reserved for an
exhibition, please indicate the approximate size you need.

The celebration at the end of the convergence will give you the opportunity
to entertain us so please let us know if we can reserve time for your item.


To: convergence-1996@eepo.com.au.
Subject: 1996 International Permaculture Convergence.

Expression of Interest



Fax :
Email :

Paper: Y/n. Subject:

Accomodation: Y/n Any special needs:

Dietry Needs:

Children: girls ages boys ages

Tours: Y/n Interests:

Expo: Please reserve some space. Y/n Appprox size:

I am interested in entertaining at the Celebration: Y/n




Victor Guest   V.G.Guest                      Perth, Western Australia
vic.guest@eepo.com.au                         3 McKee Plce Kingsley. 6026
                ----: Sustainable Agriculture :----   Tel. (09) 3092108
--: The Land Management Society & The Permaculture Association:----