Re: The propaganda machine
Mon, 11 Sep 1995 13:29:24 -0400

gil hardwick wrote:

> It took less than one generation for the founder of Permaculture to
> be rejected as one of the planet's great ogres, even among those who
> have since adopted what they believe to be his philosophy. At every
> point the minor faults on his personality are exposed in an attempt
> to show that since he is not a saint, then he must be the very devil
> himself.
> At every point we find his arguments being turned upside down and used
> against him.....
> I am being told to unsubscribe from this Permaculture list.

Gil, last year i was a guest at Bill's house at Tyalgum for several days. I
interviewed him extensivelky, and part of the conversation was about how he
felt Pemaculture could best be propagated after his death -- and he certainly
never mentioned that he felt he is or was being "rejected" by anyone in the
Permaculture movement or that anyone was trying to damage his reputation. (In
fact, he contrasted himself with Masanobe Fukuoka, whom he felt to be a
"bitter old man.") Meanwhile, here in the U.S. Bill Mollison is a very
respected personage, and i have seen no evidence of anyone considering him an
"ogre," nor have i have heard any instances of his "arguments being turned
upside down and used against him."

Please don't unsubscribe -- but please do tell us what you are talking about,
if indeed your remarks are based on facts and not on your fears and

cat yronwode