Re: Re:Query: labels and consumer ed for social change

Elgin Freeman (
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 06:33:51 -0500

> From: steve bonney <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Query: labels and conmsumer ed for social change
> Date: Sunday, January 19, 1997 9:05 PM
> David Conner wrote:
> >A recent direction of my research has been investigating the role of
> consumer >education in general, labeling specifically as a means of
> change.

> How do we get consumers to ask, not only farmers, but at markets in
> general?

First and foremost I don't think anyone has time to answer this properly.
The general populous doesn't have time to ask about their food. They're
too busy taking their kids to little league and to dancing etc. not that
those are bad in anyway. The point is people are just living their lives
up in a burning house so to speak. That burning house is the lack of
positive expectations for the future. Our world is changing faster than we
can adapt and this creates feelings of desperation and hopelessness. How
can you relax if you're constantly on the edge of disaster making payments
on everything in sight. If you stop or even slow down you'll sink and get
crushed by the on rushing crowd going no where.

Well as you can see I've strayed away from the original thought so I'll
stop here.

elgin freeman

> It is particularly important to convey to consumers when food is produced

> with out heavy usage of pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Maybe that
> cause them to wonder about the rest of the food supply.
> Steve Bonney, President
> Indiana Sustainable Agriculture Association
> 100 Georgton Ct.
> W. Lafayette IN 47906
> (317) 463-9366, fax (317) 497-0164
> email