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Re: TH: Perrenials & Annuals around Trees ...

 Post-To: Tree-House@Majordomo.Flora.Com (Community Forestry) ----------
In a message dated 97-05-31 20:25:34 EDT, Paul wrote:

> I urge great caution when planting things next to trees for a number of
>  reasons. 
>  1. Dense plantings make water penetration and untake more difficult for
>  newly planted trees.
>  2. The act of planting results in root and potentially trunk damage to
>  the tree. This damage may progress in severity over time resulting in
>  root or trunk failure.
>  3. I have never seen flowers and trees both do well when planted in the
>  same space.
> Paul Dykema
> City Forester
> Lansing Mi.

Paul's right about the need to exercise caution and I would certainly
agree with him on points #1 and #2.  On point #3, though, I think he
way overstates things.  Haven't you ever been into the woods or the
country and seen flowers/shrubs/trees coexisting happily,
obviously for decades? 

Certainly you have to be careful with your choices and not get
carried away.  In any event, I'd err on the side of being kind to
the trees.

Jim Burkhard