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Re: Out of Control

On Tue, 20 Nov 2001 16:34:40 -0500 (EST), "S.K. Harrison"
<skh23ca@yahoo.com> wrote:

>Mollison talks about similar themes in the
>designer's manual when he discusses pattern and
>tribal knowledge. If I can remember, he asks us

>to consider first the inability of many
>contemporary people to retain knowledge. And this

I don't know how he can say something like this.

Start with an interest in permaculture; collect literature 
and learn, synthesize and put it to work in one's life;
go online and collect more information (mostly free),
learn even more, gain expertise. Seems many tens of thousands of
people are doing this every year.

This is not retaining knowledge? 

>because our knowledge takes the form of vast
>numbers of words, numbers and other symbols
>stored in huge print and electronic
>databanks--often requiring specialized knowledge
>just to access, let alone commit to memory. By

That is a very inadequate and short-sighted view
of electronic information collection, management and retreival.
I note that he has no detectable online presense.

L.F.London ICQ#27930345 lflondon@mindspring.com
http://www.ibiblio.org/ecolandtech  london@ibiblio.org