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Re: Plants For A Future database

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000 23:34:05 +0100, Richard Morris
<pfaf@scs.leeds.ac.uk> wrote:

>Just to confirm that Marcus has arranged with us to host the australian
>of the Plants For A Future database. 

Let's hear a round of applause for Lee, Marcus, Rich and PFAF Staff.
This is a dream database.

>While I'm in credit mode a lot of respect to Lee Flyer who came up with 
>the idea of putting the database on the web in the first place
>and also did the first version.

Is there any possibility of that going back online again anywhere?

>I'd also like to draw peoples attention that the database now features
>a readers comment section where people can add extra information
>to the database page for any plant in the database. The dream is
>to gather together the vast amount of plant knowledge that people
>all over the world have. There is a lot of good info out there
>but it is often very hard to find. Hopefully the comments section
>will go some way to help people find this info. We would like this
>to turn into some community forum rather than just a Plants For
>A Future project,

How about a mailing list (run on MetaLab's Lyris server where this PC
list originates) fo PFAF comments, feedback, praise, new plant info,
etc. etc. called pfaf, or pfaf@franklin.oit.unc.edu, with website for
list at:

I could create this immediately if consensus is to go forward with it.
Access to it could/should be provided (via the above link plus a link
to a list faq, which I will knock out - mostly usage info - add other
related info later) from any website interested - this should add
significantly to list traffic. Subscription should be open to the
public plus access to list archives of messages. It can be configured
differently if necessary. 



> although there is a good way to go on that front.
>Its still very early days in the project and I'd welcome any
>suggestions that people have on making it more user friendly etc.

See above.
Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm ICQ#27930345
lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
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