
Re: Solar Energy

Some historians might enjoy looking at a book, actually more of a pamphlet,
called _Oil and War_, by Robert W. Czeschin, a "special investment report on
petroleum and the history of armed conflict among nations, published in 1987,
2 years before the Gulf war, by Agora, Inc./824 E. Baltimore St./Baltimore,
MD 21202. Here's the table of contents:

   Scarcity, abundance and conflict                          3

   Oil-fired engines of war                                  6
       the history of oil in world war I

   Blitzkrieg and surprise attack                           21
       the history of oil in world war II

   Forging the oil weapon                                   33
       the suez crisis of 1956

   Persian gulf, 1980                                       52
       the untold story of america on the nuclear brink

   Oil and the war against civilians                        65
       the terrorist threat

   Oil and war in the 1980's                                77
       the geopolitical rollercoaster
   Lessons of the past and future                          108
       the days ahead

