My Little Library

This is my electronic bookshelf. I go here when I get bored, or feel like being immersive. Poke around. If you've got other links that I'm missing, then drop me a line and give me it's URL.

Electronic 'Zines on Lycos

Yahoo's Magazines

Yahoo's Poetry

CMU's On-Line Library

My own works

I've spent a great deal of my life with literature. I can remember precious few things from my young childhood. I can recall making a fort in a field-edge near my home in a small village near London. I can still hear the crackle of the fire-works on Guy Fawkes Day near that same field. And I can remember stories-- fanciful, light, snowy things spun from children's classics, but more solid, more stone than any other memory I retain.

So, I write to retain. I still read a lot, mind you. But, nothing is quite like creating, so here I am. I've scrounged some small works I've saved, and laid them out here for you to nibble.

I compiled a few poems I saved during my undergraduate program, and put them together into Passage. It's a sampling of things that I've written, dating back to high school. Most I've written off as bad poetry, very emotionally charged and usually written under extreme conditions. However, some pieces never fail to bring me back to the point at which I wrote them. In that respect, I cherish them.
