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Dissertation Information for Christine Dufour

- Christine Dufour

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Université de Montréal (Canada) (2004)

- Pierrette Bergeron

- Suzanne Bertrand-Gastaldy
- Gilles H. Deschatelets

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Etude du role des professionnels de l'information dans les systemes d'information Web du gouvernement federal canadien

Abstract: Information professionals are rethinking their role, which is being challenged by the transformation to the electronic environment of information and information processes. Web information systems (WIS)--that is, information systems based on Web technologies such as external Web sites, intranets, extranets and electronic commerce systems--are one of the technologies that is bringing these changes about. Organizations are making massive investments in WIS. Governments are implementing WIS as they move toward e-government. The Canadian federal government is one of the most innovative in term of WIS, and has to adapt its information environment, including information professionals, to cope with these systems. Despite the innovative character of WIS, few empirical studies were found which try to gain a better understanding of the players needed to implement such systems. No consensus seems to exist in the literature on the role of the information professional in WIS.

This study aims at increasing knowledge of the roles information professionals play in WIS. In this study, an information professional is someone with a graduate degree in library and information science or equivalent. The study examines four research questions: (1) the role of information professionals described in the WIS-related cross-governmental information policies as well as those of the other players directly related to WIS, (2) the types of WIS in which information professionals are involved, (3) the WIS-related tasks of information professionals, and (4) other players involved in WIS. A qualitative approach has been used based on four data collection techniques: (1) in-depth face-to-face interviews with information professionals involved in WIS, (2) an analysis of the WIS in which those information professionals are involved, (3) an analysis of the WIS-related pan-governmental information policies, and (4) relevant evidence in the existing documentation. The information professionals interviewed are from seven departments of the Canadian federal government. These departments were chosen because of their work in the area of WIS.

The results show that information professionals are working with WIS at the micro and macro levels, involved with specific WIS as well as with all the WIS of a department or of the government. The information professionals are involved in all the dimensions and the development phases of WIS. Their content-related tasks on the WIS are predominant but the technological tasks are also very present. The study found that three variables impact on the role of information professionals in WIS: types of WIS, types of jobs of information professionals, and types of governance.

MPACT Scores for Christine Dufour

A = 0
C = 2
A+C = 2
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2014-03-10 23:06:56

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