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Dissertation Information for Melvin Alfred Carlson

- Melvin Alfred Carlson

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Columbia University (USA) (1989)

- Phyllis Dain

- Redmond Kathleen Molz

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Leadership in the university library: Case studies of five directors

Abstract: This study of the perceptions of administrative leadership by five library directors, each of whom administers a library belonging to the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), is an exploratory qualitative case study based on interviews with the directors, their immediate superiors in the university and immediate subordinates in the library. The library directors (two women and three men) are directors in three private and two public universities. The point of view is primarily the library directors--mid-level university administrators--who share common characteristics of leadership roles displayed by chief executives in the corporate and industrial sector, although the university setting colors the manner in which the directors function.

The library directors articulated the need for membership on the chief academic councils of their universities to participate in the defining process of the university. As administrative officers in their universities they must engage in a variety of public relations and political endeavors in order to seek visibility for themselves and their libraries. They must function as competent administrators of their library organizations if they are to have credibility within the university organization (and usually beyond). All of the directors utilized some concept of "participatory management" as an administrative technique. They recognized the need to motivate the staff within the organizational structure and the personnel model (faculty status versus non-faculty status) adopted in the specific library setting. Conviction about the role of the library in the university, which encompasses the director's personal force, vision and belief about the mission of the library, is also a crucial element in whether the library director is able to function in the highly complex and often anarchical setting of the university. Library directors must face the conflicts and competing forces that exist within the university and library organizations and must make explicit and well-defined administrative decisions when required to provide the balance among the conflicting pressures.

MPACT Scores for Melvin Alfred Carlson

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:02:04

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