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Dissertation Information for Jacques Christiaan du Plessis

- Jacques Christiaan du Plessis

- Ph.D.

- Instructional Technology

- Utah State University (USA) (2002)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: An introduction to the FIT-C model: A triadic model as a taxonomical framework of context in education

Abstract: "A review of literature brings to light that the prevalent view of education in today's world is fragmented. These ill-aligned perceptions about what education is, create a richness and immense diversity in how education is defined and expressed.

The taxonomical model proposed in this dissertation describes the root components of educational objectives. It is referred to as the FIT model. This holistic model addresses the what in education. It is expanded upon with the Model of the Core Components of Education, which is referred to as the CC model. The components of the CC model inherently belong to communication and are specifically contextualized in education. These components are then investigated as they are contextualized within each of the three domains of the FIT model. The integration of these two models is known as the FIT-C model. These core components are not set out as prescriptive imperatives, but they are presented as a descriptive theory that can be addressed in multiple ways to achieve the objectives of education.

The core components of the CC model address the how in education and are essential to effectuate learning in an educational context. Bloom's taxonomy of objectives of education is recast along with the conative and socio-communicative domain as the five domains of human faculties. These five domains are incorporated into the FIT-C model.

In conclusion, the theory is discussed in an applied context, to illustrate how it can be used to influence both instructional design theory and curriculum theory--to analyze the educational context in order to improve decision making about the heuristics to employ and the nature of the content and activities it contains."

MPACT Scores for Jacques Christiaan du Plessis

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:33:14

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