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Dissertation Information for Alex A.T. Bui

- Alex A.T. Bui
- (Alias) Alexander Anh-Tuan Bui

- Ph.D.

- Computer Science

- University of California, Los Angeles (USA) (2000)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: A multimedia data model with generalized stream constructs

Abstract: Several database modeling and querying innovations are introduced in a stream-based multimedia database system. The data model advances/builds on prior work, focusing on the use of streams for storing temporally ordered sequences of information. New stream constructs are introduced and formalized, allowing manipulation and organization of streams: substreams , enabling users to define logical partitions of information within a stream using conditions specified on its contents; aggregated streams , generalizing the operation of combining two or more streams into one entity through a function stipulating aggregation behavior; and derived streams , generated through the application of a method to one or more streams. Stream relationships , expressing relations between streams and other database objects, are also developed. Formal notation and algorithms for supporting these constructs are developed. The stream constructs complement existing object-oriented database models, and increase the overall capability in multimedia data representation.

Querying facilities have been developed to support the stream constructs. The beginnings of a new stream algebra are described, defining stream constructs and basic operations required for querying. The stream algebra also sets the foundation for exploring optimization of queries involving streams. An extended visual query language for the new constructs is also illustrated, with operators supporting set and temporal predicates on streams, and a grouping mechanism to reduce graphical complexity. The visual query language additionally enables creation of views on streams by permitting customization of queries for different user models. Investigation of indexing to support querying of the constructs was performed; use of these methods is examined to optimize retrieval and other query processing operations.

To validate the work, an integrated multimedia application, TimeLine , has been developed in the medical domain. Patient information in different clinical databases is re-organized in accordance to a stream-based schema. TimeLine facilitates the longitudinal view of patient's medical histories, presenting physicians with a problem-oriented temporal visualization of data.

Preliminary user testing and evaluation were performed. Users' comprehension of the data modeling and visual querying concepts was tested. TimeLine was also evaluated, measuring its impact on physicians and the acceptance of the interface relative to the current clinical environment. Results from the evaluations were positive overall.

MPACT Scores for Alex A.T. Bui

A = 0
C = 2
A+C = 2
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-09-27 20:24:49

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