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Dissertation Information for Beatrice S. Wamey

- Beatrice S. Wamey

- Ph.D.

- Education

- Indiana University (USA) (2004)

- Michael Molenda

- Elizabeth Boling
- James A. Pershing
- Robert Arnove

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: A case study of instructional design processes for a distance education program in an African university

Abstract: This case study research project explores the design of a distance education program in the department of Agronomy at Dschang University, in Cameroon, West Africa. The purpose of the study was to gain deeper insight into the actual design events of the program in relation to procedures represented in the traditional instructional systems design (ISD) Model. The project also aimed at identifying the critical success factors of the design process and to enhance the understanding of those aspects of the process that need to be improved. This study was informed by data collected through interviews, observations, document analysis, and a survey. Participants in the study included the designers, the management, the support staff, and the students of the program. A content analysis of the data revealed that instructional systems design processes and procedures are to a large extent determined by the environment in which the design takes place. The study also revealed that the design of innovative programs involves more extensive front-end activities and elaboration than is prescribed by the traditional ISD model. Whereas the design components prescribed in the ISD model are fundamental to this design process, other components of the process, which this study terms "enabling" components, are as critical to the success of the process as the elements prescribed in the traditional ISD model. The study also indicates that for under-resourced environments such as Cameroon, partnership, teamwork and collaboration with more experienced institutions are essential for effective instructional design.

The Dschang design affirms that instructional systems design is an all embracing, open flexible and creative process. It is a self-motivated process in which all components, discernible or inherent, interact and affect each other. A simple performance gap in the field of agriculture triggered the multifaceted lifelong experience that reveals the capacity, not only of changing its setting, but also other related systems in a much wider environment. Since the outcomes of one activity become the input of the other, the quality of each of the activities determines the worth of the overall process. This explains why the ISD model places so much emphasis on formative evaluation, the design of monitoring systems that enable stakeholders to ensure quality at each phase of the process.

MPACT Scores for Beatrice S. Wamey

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-10-11 17:35:55

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