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birds for life list

I read this list, and thought I would throw some things out in case anyone is coming to Western NC.

least bittern We don't get many of them up this way.

yellow-crowned night-heron (adult) Occasional, but have seen them along the coast. The Savannah GA area is a good place for both Night Herons. Not much seen in the Mountains.

sandhill crane Had some recently at Lake Junaluska. The ones I have seen (the only ones) were in Florida, and were the Florida subspecies.

common ground-dove They tell me anywhere along the coast, but I always got there a day late and a dollar short.

black-billed cuckoo "Raincrow". You can see them, or at least hear them, in fairly mature woods near farm fields. Haven't seen one in years...

common nighthawk All over the place here. You can see them over Asheville hawking insects drawn to the lights of town.

red-cockaded woodpecker. In North Carolina, try the Croatan National Forest. Look for trees with a white band near the bottom - this is the indicator - that are painted on there by the government Biologists. All the nest trees are marked this way, and it is easier than trying to spot the sap leaking from around the nest or roost holes

blue-headed vireo (heard only) Mt. Pisgah camping area on the Parkway. Suzanne psshted one up for me a couple of years ago.

blue-winged warbler Good luck. I need it too. Maybe in the Boone area?

yellow warbler Try around the Lake Lure area, or anywhere on the Green River near Tuxedo. Have heard one at the Lowes on South Tunnell Rd. in Asheville.

chestnut-sided warbler Also Mount Pisgah, but you can find them on Craggy Gardens. The Parkway near Boone (Price Lake) is good. Try psshting.

black-throated blue warbler Around rivers in the Pisgah National Forest, like Davidson at the Pisgah Wildlife Education Center, but also at Big East Fork of Pigeon River, and along the Middle Prong of West Fork (near Lake Logan). Also around Price Lake.

cerulean warbler Just north of Asheville on the Parkway. Go to the overlook past the first tunnel.

blackburnian warbler Like the guy said, the Pink Beds, but they are high in the trees, and can hide behind leaves. I have never seen one, just heard them.

black-throated green warbler Anywhere in the Pisgah National Forest near Hemlock trees - try North Mills River near the campground.

blackpoll warbler During migration, my back yard. A good place to see these guys in spring is Cumberland Island GA.

worm-eating warbler Try Green River Rd, or go south on US 276 toward Spartanburg. You can also try the road that goes along the Green River outside of Saluda NC.

american redstart (adult male) I have seen them at Price Lake, and also at Camp Rockmont (think LEAF festival)near Black Mountain. Maybe at Montreat?

swainson's warbler Try the Lake Lure/Chimney Rock area. Look for Rhododendrons. Looks a lot like Worm Eating.

kentucky warbler Oh sure. You find one, let me know.

grasshopper sparrow These don't exist; they are merely an urban myth propogated by frustrated birders. Trust me on this...

bobolink Said to be some in a hayfield near Hendersonville. I never can find them.

baltimore oriole Seen them with nestlings at Lake Lure near the boat house in a Sycamore tree. Also seen them at Rockmont, same kind of tree.


Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist
Asheville, NC