January 1, 1945

Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service, Federal Communications Commission.

In greeting the New Year in this fourth year of the Holy War, we reverently extend our wishes for the eternal prosperity of the Imperial Throne.

At the opening of the 86th Diet, His Majesty the Emperor presented us with a message in which he stated that the war had entered into a critical stage and that now was the time in which the 100,000,000 people of the Empire must truly and wholeheartedly devote their entire efforts to the task of crushing the enemy. The Imperial message was indeed most gracious and awe-inspiring.

We, the nation's 100,000,000, together pledge to destroy the enemy, to overcome this national crisis and bring peace to the mind of his Imperial Majesty.

At present, our soldiers at the front, who wholeheartedly bear the responsibility of the fortunes of our nation on their shoulders, are fighting courageously to annihilate the foe. Particularly on the Philippine fronts, which will decide the trend of the war, our Army and Navy Special Attack Units, in carrying out their assaults day and night and giving their precious lives for their Fatherland, are smashing the enemy's plans of advance.

With this heroism as a mirror, the 100,000,000 on the home front, applying this sublime spirit to their daily living, must give of their best in their respective duties to increase our fighting power to crush the enemy.

All the peoples of the world are entered into the current war. Since the dawn of history there has been no war to equal this one in magnitude or in the maze of its international complications. As to the outcome of this war, it goes without saying that the nations which lose their fighting spirit will disintegrate and fall, while the countries which fight through to the end with tenacity and vigorous fighting spirit will take hold of the ultimate victory.

There is danger that as the war progresses, difficulties of livelihood and air raids may increase. To the nation's 100,000,000 people I would say, at the beginning of this new year, give full exercise to your creative thinking in order to improve your livelihood, strengthen the air-defense structure, and maintain your determination to fight through with tenacity until the final victory is won, and in this spirit exert yourselves to increase production.

I fervently hope that this new year will see a further progress in the war situation. In order to accomplish this aim, the Government expects to plan many measures and march in cooperation with the people towards the goal of victory.

This year is the 1300th since the reformations of the Taika Era [Reign of the Emperor Kotoku, circa 645 A.D.]. At that time, the nation was faced with both internal and external crises, and heavy clouds hung over the nation. But with the reformations, Imperial prestige and the power of the nation were again raised in the eyes of the world, and our Empire was restored to its former glory. The enemies, America and Britain, who have been driven from Asiatic soil, have launched an offensive in an attempt to place Asia again under their domination. This is the year for us to sweep away the threatening clouds and restore Greater East Asia to her true position. With this conviction, in cooperation with the other countries of the G.E.A. sphere, Japan will smash the enemy's offensive, proceed with the building of the G.E.A. sphere, and march on to bring about the realization of our common ideal.

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