Appendix No. 5

China Policy of the Japanese Government as reported to and approved by the Emperor on 11 July 1937

1. Policy for dispatching troops to North China, which obtained Imperial sanction on 11 July 1937 (prepared by Premier Konoye, War Minister Sugiyama, Foreign Minister Hirota, Navy Minister Yonai and Finance Minister Kaya) read as follows:

a. In dispatching troops to North China we aim, through demonstration of our power, to make Chinese forces apologize to us and have them assume responsibility for future eventualities.

b. Our attack against Chinese forces will be commenced only when it has become clear that they will not accept our demands.

c. The principle of localizing the Incident and settling it through negotiations by field commanders will be observed to the last.

d. If it is proved that newly mobilized troops need not be dispatched, the projected dispatch will be abandoned.

e. The expeditionary force will be composed of five divisions, of which three divisions will suffice for the time being.

2. Announcement of the Japanese Government made on 11 July 1937 concerning the dispatch of troops to North China:

The Japanese garrison force in China, which has patiently home the successive acts of insult against Japan by Chinese, was forced at midnight 7 July to clash with the 29th Army, which had been on security duty with our troops, as a result of the latter's illegal firing in the vicinity of the Marco Polo Bridge. This created serious tension in the Peiping-Tientsin area and, as a result, the Japanese residents in that area were seriously threatened. Nevertheless, we hoped to peacefully settle the incident, and endeavored to localize it. The 29th Army, despite the fact that it had agreed to peaceful settlement, suddenly launched another unjustifiable attack against our troops on the night of 10 July, and again we suffered considerable casualties. Moreover, Chinese authorities pushed military preparations by successively reinforcing the troops on the first line, by advancing their troops southwards from Hsiyuan and by mobilizing their central army forces. Thus, they showed no sincere intent to accept our proposal for peace, and finally flatly refused to negotiate in Peiping. In the light of the foregoing facts, there is no room for doubt


Appendix No. 5

that the recent incident is entirely the result of intentional anti-Japanese military action on the part of China. Needless to say, security in North China is a matter of urgent necessity of peace in East Asia that Chinese authorities apologize to us for their illegal anti-Japanese actions and properly guarantee to refrain from repeating such actions in the future. Therefore, the Government has determined at today's Cabinet meeting to take necessary measures for sending troops to North China. Since, however, the maintenance of peace in East Asia is Japan's constant desire, the Government will not relinquish the hope of peaceful negotiation on the basis of its localization policy. It desires to attain an amicable settlement of the incident depending upon prompt reconsideration on the part of the Chinese authorities. The Government is also willing to give full consideration to the protection of the rights and interests of third powers.


Page maintained by Larry W. Jewell, Created: 1/3/98 Updated: 1/3/98