Key to the Gymnosperms of the Southeastern U.S.
Illustrated with Specimens from the University of North Carolina Herbarium (NCU)
Stephen M. Seiberling and Brenda L. Wichmann

Deodar cedar (Cedrus deodara) herbarium sheet
Deodar cedar (Cedrus deodara)

The Key to the Gymnosperms of the Southeastern U.S. enables you to identify gymnosperm species that are native, naturalized, or commonly planted throughout the southeastern States. The key relies mostly on characteristics of leaves or needles, but in some instances calls for examination of twigs, cones, or other structures.

How to Use the Key:

Images: You can check which botanical feature(s) an image is intended to portray by placing the mouse pointer on the image to display a brief description. Please note that most of the images in the key were taken from dried herbarium specimens and, as a result, often differ in color from those of live plants.

Click the following for details about the key and its use, for a list of sources consulted, or for a text version of the key in Adobe Acrobat® format.

Start identifying Southeastern gymnosperms....