From Fri Sep 30 18:55:36 1994 Subject: ARS patents available Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 19:22:08 EDT AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE PATENT NOTICES AVAILABLE ON THE ALF BBS The Agricultural Research Service (ARS), U. S. Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the Technology Transfer Information Center (TTIC), is now making ARS patent notices available electronically via ALF, the Agricultural Library Forum BBS. Instructions for dialing in to ALF via modem or accessing ALF via FEDWORLD on the Internet is below. Each month a listing of patents granted to the Agricultural Research Service and patent applications will be loaded to the ALF BBS. This service is free-of-charge (except for telecommunications were applicable). Each patent entry will include the patent title, patent number, an abstract of the patent, and information on contacting the inventor/and or developer for more information. Full text of patents is not available, however, copies of U.S. Patents can be purchased from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by calling (703) 308-4357. ARS patents are available for licensing. For information on licensing opportunities relating to any of ARS patents contact June Blalock, Technology Licensing Program, ARS at (301) 504- 5989. For technical information relating to a patent, contact the inventor listed for each patent. For information on the TTRAN Subboard contact the Technology Transfer Information Center (TTIC) at (301) 504-6875 or leave a message on ALF. * * * * * * * * * * * * * ALF - Agricultural Library Forum ALF, is the Bulletin Board system produced by the National Agricultural Library. ALF provides electronic access to a broad range of agricultural information, including Agricultural Research Service (ARS) patent information. Every month, an abstract of all patent applications filed by and patents granted to the ARS will be made available electronically via ALF. ALF is available in one of two ways: direct dial and via Internet. 1. Direct Dial to ALF via Modem The equipment necessary for accessing ALF includes a computer, a modem, and communications software. Set the communications software settings as follows: Baud rate: 9600, 2400, 1200 or 300 (depends on your modem) Data bits: 8 Stop bits: 1 Parity: None Duplex: Full Dial (301) 504-6510 or (301) 504-5111 for baud rates up to 9600. Dial (301) 504-5496 or (301) 504-5497 for baud rates up to 2400. If you are using the Federal Telecommunications System (FTS), dial 964-6510 or 964-5111 for baud rates up to 9600. Dial FTS 964-5496 or 964-5497 for baud rates up to 2400. You will be asked to register on the board and give yourself a password. At the Main Menu type "J ttran" to enter the Technology Transfer Subboard. Select "B" to view Bulletins. Each month's listing will appear as a separate Bulletin. Patent information can be viewed on-line or downloaded as a file. Please refer to your telecommunications software for specific information on downloading files. ALF is totally menu driven - just follow the directions at the bottom of your screen. 2. Accessing ALF via FEDWORLD on the Internet FEDWORLD, produced by the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, serves as a gateway to numerous Government information sources, including ALF. FEDWORLD is presently the only way to access ALF via the Internet. FEDWORLD can be reached by telnetting to or A gopher server will be made available in the future. FEDWORLD is a gateway to the ALF Bulletin Board. In other words, once you connect to ALF you will follow the same procedure as above to locate information. To access FEDWORLD: telnet to - register on FEDWORLD and give yourself a password At the Main Menu select D - Gateway System D - Connect to Gov't sys/database 2 - ALF follow standard ALF access procedures above ********* PLEASE NOTE! ALF or FEDWORLD cannot currently be accessed via Compuserve or America Online. However, if you have questions about specific ARS patents you may contact the Technology Transfer Information Center (TTIC) at via those systems.