A Biologist's Guide to Internet Resources

Current (old!) versions: 1.7 and 1.8a (1993, 1994)

Note added 11 February 1999 by Una Smith: From 1990 to 1994, I regularly updated and published A Biologist's Guide to Internet Resources. This ~40 page document was one of the very first and most popular user's guides to the Internet. Although much of it is now obsolete, this guide may still be of some use or interest to readers today.

The free, ~40-page Guide contains an overview and lists of free Internet resources such as: discussion groups relating to biological research, including newsgroups and mailing lists; research newsletters, directories, and bibliographies; some major biological data and software archives; tools for finding and retrieving information; answers to some frequently asked questions; and a selected bibliography.

The most recent complete release of the Guide is Version 1.7 (November 1993). It is available as a plain ASCII file for the easiest retrieval and printing of the entire document, as a menu for reading online (via both gopher and WWW), and in an attractive PostScript format (for laser printing). There is a French translation. The most recent release (about mailing lists only) is Version 1.8a, dated December 1994: this ammends but does not supercede Version 1.7.

Because the guide is quite long and complex, it is most useful in printed form. It is available in several print-compatible formats:

There are also numerous Web versions of A Biologist's Guide to Internet Resources available for on-line reading around the world. Here are some of them:

This page was created on 24 October 1995 and last changed on 13 April 2001 by Una Smith.

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