/* Problem 8.11, page 224 of Weisberg 1985 "Applied Linear Regression." */ data galapago; infile galapago.dat firstobs=4; input island $ 1-13 species 16-18 endemic 21-22 area 25-31 elev 34-37 neardist 40-43 cruzdist 45-50 neararea 53-59; label species = 'Species found on island (###)'; label endemic = 'Endemic species found on island (##)'; label area = 'Area of island (km^2)'; label elev = 'Elevation of island peak (m)'; label neardist= 'Distance to nearest other island (km)'; label cruzdist= 'Distance to Santa Cruz island (km)'; label neararea= 'Area of nearest other island (km^2)'; run; /* eof */