110729     ASDLOG: Automatic Searching for DIALOG Literature Search
Version: V1.0, March 1984
Submitted by: Irvin J. Mettler, Stauffer Chemical Co., Richmond, CA
Operating System: RT-11 V4.0  Source Language: FORTRAN IV, MACRO-11
Memory Required: 12KW  Hardware Required: DLV11-J, Modem  Keywords:
Data Communications, Utilities - RT-11
Abstract: ASDLOG is a program which enables one to access DIALOG'S
on line computer literature search service. This program
can be structured to run at 1200 or 300 baud. On-line
search charges can be minimized by entering and/or
editing a search sequence/strategy prior to going
on-line. The search can then be sent automatically at
high speed and without typographical errors. This is
especially useful for long searches or ones that are to
be used for several files or repeat sessions. The
program can generate a break signal for transmission to
the remote computer and allows for sending all control
characters. The program will also send modem input
directly to a line printer and/or to a storage file if
desired. On-line keyboard output is buffered to simplify
correction of typograghical errors before transmission
Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up and Listing (DA), One RX01
Diskette (KA)  Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA)  Format: RT-11

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Tim Shoppa <shoppa@trailing-edge.com>
Created: December 26, 1998