; ; THIS OVERLAY DISCRIPTOR FILE IS USED WITH A SHARED FCS LIBRARY ; DEPENDING ON YOUR INSTALATION AND HOW YOUR FCSRES LIBRARY IS ; CONSTRUCTED, YOU MAY NEED TO MODIFY THIS FILE ; This uses memory resident overlays ; .psect DSPTCH,ovr,gbl,d,ro .psect STRING,ovr,gbl,d,ro .NAME RNO .ROOT RNO-R1-R2-*!(B1,B2,B3,B4,B5) R1: .FCTR STARTN-RUNOFF-RNODYN-RSXIO-RNORSX-GCIN R2: .FCTR DSPTCH-CMTAB B1: .FCTR START-RNOIF-PINDX B2: .FCTR INDEX-COMND-RNCMD-STRING B3: .FCTR INIT-ESCAPE-STYLE B4: .FCTR FMTCM-ERMSG B5: .FCTR HYPHEN ; ; Some of the following modules may be needed depending on the ; FCS resident library used. ; ;OP1: .FCTR LB:[1,1]SYSLIB/LB:CLOSE:CREATE:DEL:FINIT:MKDL:OPFNB:RQLCB ;OP2: .FCTR LB:[1,1]SYSLIB/LB:PARSE ;OP3: .FCTR LB:[1,1]SYSLIB/LB:.CSI1:.CSI2 .END