From: IN%"" "Steve Clancy" 14-APR-1993 22:43:15.60 Subj: Medical Education FTP site THE UCI MEDICAL EDUCATION SOFTWARE REPOSITORY This is to announce the establishment of an FTP site at the University of California, for the collection of shareware, public-domain software and other information relating to Medical Education. Specifically, we are interested in establishing this site as a clearinghouse for personally developed software that has been developed for local medical education programs. We welcome all contributions that may be shared with other users. To connect to the UCI Medical Education Software Repository, ftp to: FTP.UCI.EDU The Repository currently offers both MSDOS and Macintosh software, and we hope to support other operating systems (UNIX, MUMPS, AMIGA?). Uploads are welcome. We actively solicit information and software which you have personaly developed or have found useful in your local medical education efforts, either as an instructor or student. Once you have connected to the site via FTP, cd (change directory) to either the med-ed/mac/incoming or the med-ed/msdos/incoming directories, change the mode to binary and "send" or "put" your files. Note that you won't be able to see the files with the "ls" or "dir" commands. Please compress your files as appropriate to the operating system (ZIP for MSDOS; Compactor or something similar for Macintosh) to save disk space. After uploading, please send email to Steve Clancy ( (for MSDOS) or Albert Saisho ( (for MAC) describing the file(s) you have uploaded and any other information we might need to describe it. Note that we can only accept software or information that has been designated as shareware, public-domain or that may otherwise be distributed freely. Please do not upload commercial software! Doing so may jeopardize the existence of this FTP site. If you wish to upload software for other operating systems, please contact either Steve Clancy, M.L.S. or Albert Saisho, M.D. at the addresses above. -- Steve Clancy Biomedical Library University of California, Irvine, U.S.A. SLCLANCY@UCI.EDU SLCLANCY@UCI.BITNET f California, Irvine, U.S.A. SLCLANCY@UCI.EDU SLCLANCY@UCI.BITNET Return-path: Received: from by (PMDF #2801 ) id <>; Wed, 14 Apr 1993 21:16:49 BSC (-0300 C) Received: from localhost by with SMTP id AA21172 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Wed, 14 Apr 1993 15:17:36 -0700 Date: 14 Apr 1993 15:17:31 -0700 From: Steve Clancy Subject: Medical Education FTP site To: sabbatini@CCVAX.UNICAMP.BR, Message-id: <> X-Envelope-to: sabbatini Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT