The data is courtesy of SASI Software and cannot be used commercially. SASI Software Corp., P.O. Box 457, Sherwood, OR 97140 Ph 503-625-5384 Internet e-mail address Compuserve 76440,1460 The data file mes1data.exe contains 24 separate files of technical market breadth data going back to the beginning of 1970. Mes1data.exe is a compressed self executing file. Transfer the file to your home directory and download to your PC before exploding. The files are set up in one year blocks to work with SASI's MarketEdge program (filename is mes1.exe), which is located at /pub/misc.invest/programs. The technical data consists of: Advances, Declines, Unchg, Upvol, Dnvol, Totvol, New Hi's, New Lows. The individual file names are: 1970.wkb, 1971.wkb,....1993.wkb. To start MarketEdge with a historic data file, type: RUN MES1 FILENAME, or you can use File Get from the forward slash menu in the Edit mode.