Notice: There is no warranty with this product, either expressed or implied. Use at your own risk. Softlanding is not liable or responsible for damage or loss incurred or resulting from the use or misuse of this product, and our responsibility is limited to providing copies of disks. Softlanding charges only for the copy service, not the content. The content is made freely distributable at no charge, subject to the following restrictions. Restrictions: Please read the file COPYING which outlines the GNU copying (Disk 3) restrictions. The linux kernel is copyright Linus B. Torvalds. Various other copyrights apply, but the upshot is that you may do whatever you like with SLS, except restrict others in any way from doing likewise, and you must leave all copyrights as well as the README file intact, and you must not misrepresent or take credit for the work of others. Note also that the installation scripts (but very little else) in SLS are copyright Softlanding Software. Using them to roll your own distribution, tearing off the SLS name, and putting in your own, is not permitted. These scripts "are" SLS, and any distribution built using them must be called thus. Doing otherwise constitutes taking credit for the work of others. Selling SLS: Softlanding has no objections to SLS being resold (nor, however does it warrant that you would be legally entitled to do so), but it does have a request: Softlanding asks that if you do resell SLS, or redistribute it by any other than electronic means (such as BBS), that you also offer customer support to your clients. That is, Soft- landing would ideally be the only source of the unsupported SLS dis- tribution, or the clearing house for new versions, with other resellers adding value in the way of support (and quite possibly price). Soft- landing, however, intends to make no effort to enforce or coerce this policy. It is only a request.