Begin3 Title: tkman Version: 1.8b5 Entered-date: 22AUG96 Description: TkMan is a graphical, hypertext manual page browser for UNIX. TkMan offers two major advantages over xman: hypertext links to other man pages (click on a word in the text which corresponds to a man page, and you jump there), and better navigation within long man pages with searches (both incremental and regular expression) and jumps to section headers. TkMan also offers some other convenience features. Keywords: tkman, man page, browser, xman, tcl/tk, X11 Author: phelps@cs.Berkeley.EDU Primary-site: /ucb/people/phelps/tcltk 183244 tkman-1.8b5.tar.Z Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/system/Manual-pagers 139467 tkman-1.8b5.tar.gz Platforms: X11 Unix with Tcl7.5/Tk4.1 or newer. rman is required Optional: Glimpse. Copying-policy: FRS End