This is a binary file of MNM pl2 for linux. This is provided for all linux users who don't have ELF shared libs, or don't have the shlibs that the MNM binary from the original package requests. NOTE: this is just a *BINARY* file, you still need mnmlinux-pl2.tgz! Just execute gunzip mnm-linux-pl2.static.ELF.gz mv mnm-linux-pl2.static.ELF /usr/local/bin/mnm *AFTER* installation of the original package, and enjoy MNM! Yes, you can run this on A.OUT systems as well, when you enable 'ELF Binary format support' (CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF) in your kernel. If this happens to *NOT* run on your machine, please drop me some lines telling me about your configuration at ''. Greetings, Joe