2000-11-04 -+- Chris Menzel -+- cmenzel@tca.net -+- Ted is very useful for quick and dirty rtf editing, but it cannot be taken
seriously as a word processor until it implements an undo function. 2000-11-04 -+- Martin Vermeer -+- martin.vermeer@hut.fi -+- Actually Ted is a very nice basic "Notepad" type app -- more than an editor, less than a word processor, though it will do as one at a pinch. A graphical toolbar would be nice.
I have adopted Ted as the "fax editor" for the FaxView package, of which I am the current maintainer. Ted itself can "print" to a fax modem, a handy feature not mentioned in the article.
FaxView is a graphical user interface in tcl/tk for the well-known and excellent efax package by Ed Casas.
Find FaxView at http://www.netby.net/Oest/europa-Alle/vermeer/ .

BTW. the translation work to French using the X resources file is impressive! I only used this technique to change the Print menu text to Print/Fax... 2000-12-13 -+- Ashok -+- ashok@firstlinux.net -+- Nice to know about a new package. But have you compared
this with Abiword (www.abisuite.org)? Can you please
comment about a comparision?