2000-07-06 -+- Hilaire Fernandes -+- hilaire@ofset.org -+- At the begining of the document, the link to
the color.glade and couleur.py files are wrong. 2000-07-11 -+- Carlos Alarcón -+- alarcon78@yahoo.com.mx -+- hello, im a newbie in python, i read your article,
and i follow it, is really interesting, but i couldn't
make it work, i get an error, i put it here, maybe
you could help me..
i copied the sources from the links

Traceback (innermost last):
File "./couleur.py", line 143, in ?
File "./couleur.py", line 141, in initColor
rootGroup = cavas.root ()
AttributeError: 'None' object has no attribute 'root'

2000-07-13 -+- Hilaire Fernandes -+- hilaire@ofset.org -+-

Traceback (innermost last):
File "./couleur.py", line 143, in ?
File "./couleur.py", line 141, in initColor
rootGroup = cavas.root ()
AttributeError: 'None' object has no attribute 'root'

It looks like the canvas object is not initialized
correctly. Is the .glade file in the same directory
that the .py file ?
2000-07-13 -+- Carlos Alarcón -+- alarcon78@yahoo.com.mx -+- both files are in the same directory, : (, when
i ejecute it the screen of the program shows for
some seconds.., after dissapear and the error that
i wrote before is in the terminal....
: (..
2000-07-16 -+- toneby -+- peter@toneby.com -+- The error is because of a missing 'n' on the last
line if the function initColor of the file
couleur_py.txt, it should read:
'rootGroup = canvas.root ()'
It does so now in the downloadable file. 2000-07-17 -+- Nathan Myers -+- ncm@nospam.cantrip.org -+- Great article, thanks Hilaire! 2000-07-17 -+- morning_glory -+- -+- Great article.. I have waited to read a good article
about python/gnome like this for a very long time.
Thanks a lot 2000-07-18 -+- James Parish -+- DIPA754@NETZERO.COM -+- I cant understand anything about linux programming. Please send a simple task and a simple program to make work for me. Thanks. 2000-07-20 -+- Alexander Heusel -+- aheusel@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de -+- Yay! Great article, i will sit down and try out imediately!
An article like this, that explains the use of Glade in combination
with python and some basics about Gnome/Gtk has been missing.
Hopefully you will find the time and motivation to enhance this fine
article to a full course, which we all would apreciate VERY much!
Thanks 2000-09-13 -+- Luis Ignacio Castillo Fernandez -+- luigcafe@brfree.com.br -+- I cant understand anything about linux programming. Please send a simple task and a simple program to make work for me. Thanks.
you got some material in spanih ou portuguese ??.
I call from Brasil.
Tanks for all !!.

2000-10-08 -+- mario ucci -+- marioucci@ig.com.br -+- is this gnomecanvas avaiable?where?there is only rumours about it here in Brazil. please, help me to find and get information about this software.What is it? a photoshop? a coreldraw? a painter? thank you very much.
mario ucci, São Paulo, Brazil 2001-02-19 -+- Scott Prive -+- full-name@netscape.net -+- A great article, and the documentation effort is much appreciated. I await the second article alluded to in this story :)

-Scott 2001-04-07 -+- Lorint -+- lorinthendschel@skynet.be -+- I'm a bit late. Sorry! I have the same problem as that described by Carlos:
File "./couleur.py", line 141, in initColor
rootGroup = canvas.root ()
AttributeError: 'None' object has no attribute 'root'
As you can see, there is no typo in "canvas" and, yes, color.glade is in the same dir as couleur.py.
Does anyone have a solution?
Thanks. 2002-01-05 -+- Magnus K -+- magnusk2@yahoo.com -+- Great article!