2002-03-15 -+- Sworder -+- jhe@ningbo.qianlong.com.cn -+- A good guide for every persion who want to have the basic knowlodge of gcc. #2002-03-16 -+- jimmy -+- -+- 非常易懂。谢谢 #2002-03-16 -+- iHero -+- iHeroyuer@sohu.com -+- 我喜欢这片文章.
同时感谢. 译者 2002-03-17 -+- tom2jerry -+- mouse_pc@hotmail.com -+- merci ,,, 2002-04-25 -+- ron -+- -+- Unless the executable file is in a subdirectory which is in PATH you will need to use "./game" not just "game" to run the program. "./" specifies the current subdirectory. I remember that it took me several days to find this out when I first started using Linux. In MSDOS, the logged disk drive and the current subdirectory are searched as well as those subdirectories on the PATH. Not so on Unix systems.

Otherwise, looks very good and thank you. 2002-04-25 -+- Gerald -+- -+- A good article on gcc. 2002-04-25 -+- Thomas -+- Thomas.Huld@jrc.it -+- Actually, if you ARE paranoid you would realize that you would be almost as vulnerable to the trojan horse described by Ken Thompson when using an open-source compiler as using a closed-source one. He described a trojan horse that you had to have in the source code only the first time you compiled the C compiler. Then you could remove it from the source code, and if you compiled the compiler again with itself it would not show up in the source code but it would still be in the executable.

If you really want to avoid this you should use the compiler you had at the start to compile a different compiler and then compile the first compiler using the second.

It is a bit theoretical however (I hope). 2002-04-30 -+- TomM -+- -+- Nice article.

For further reference, there is a nice <i>linux GCC howto</i> that
covers some bells and whistles to play with when doing serious compiling.

Happy reading! :-) 2002-05-19 -+- aaron -+- oljbear@yahoo.com -+- a very short yet useful article on gcc, gdb.
thank you very much for putting it up.
the only thing missing is as mentioned by ron[2002-04-25] the "./" which took me quite a while to figure why it is used... -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) 2002-05-24 -+- Sam -+- -+- Nice article. I went through it and worked it. The code was clean -- rather amazing for an article on How To Do. I was lucky enough to have remembered after a run attempt that "./" would find the file for me. Ron and Aaron noted the same.
In general, when reading things on the Net, I am inclined to think that an old English teacher of mine had it right when he said that contractions should be avoided, e.g., "can't" looks rather like "can" when certain tight fonts are used. Cannot is much easier to notice, thus not having to backtrack on the "code" and find the error.
-+- = Mozilla/5.0 Galeon/1.0.3 (X11; Linux i686; U;) Gecko/20020325 2002-06-21 -+- byron -+- byronsuen@sina.com -+- simple but usefull fo new commer!
Byron -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) 2002-09-06 -+- Jonas Hughes -+- -+- Excellent article for beginners for gcc. I needed something brief and applicable. Thank u I got it. -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; COM+ 1.0.2204) 2002-11-01 -+- dan -+- coolbody@eyou.com -+- thanks !!


谢谢!! -+- = Mozilla/5.0 Galeon/1.2.5 (X11; Linux i686; U;) Gecko/20020830 2003-04-09 -+- nilsson -+- sniper@monkeydigital.com -+- thanks a lot -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030210 #2003-04-13 -+- -+- -+- اغبى ناس وضياع زمن وما تستحوا تكونوا في النت
-+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) #2003-10-10 -+- Diessy -+- chilanguitad@mail.com -+- YOU NOW WHAT YOUR A FUCKING AS HOLE I DONT CARE WHAT YOUR STUPID FRIENDS OR YOUUU WROTE OK JERK!!!!!! AND I LOVE HUMBERTO OK JERK WRIGHT BACK!!!!!!!! AS HOLE -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)