# -+- number -+- category -+- title -+- email -+- name -+- homepage -+- clickOnName -+- language -+- image -+- browser-used -+- security-cookie =0 -+- 2003-04-09:1 -+- Webdesign -+- iConductor Releases New Shareware Version for Apache 2.0 -+- trinke@farpointer.net -+- Tara Rinke -+- http://www.i-conductor.com -+- email -+- English -+- -+- Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) -+- 8404 The innovative iConductor Server Module that simplifies the development of more complex rules-based web applications on the Apache server is now available as shareware, including for the Apache Version 2.0.

iConductor’s creator, Farpointer Technologies, Inc. has changed its distribution model to allow unrestricted distribution of the iConductor module for non-commercial purposes. James Vincent, President of Farpointer Technologies said, “a shareware distribution model more closely fits with the overall philosophy of our target market – Linux-based Apache server users. We hope this will encourage Apache users to implement iConductor in real word situations and experience its benefits first-hand.” The company will continue to sell commercial iConductor licenses as well as licenses for its complete line of iConductor server plug-in executables.

The shareware version of iConductor contains all the functionality offered in the commercial version, including the latest in-line extensible tags, simplified interaction with session, and the first of several new language tags. These innovative language tags were recently developed to handle hypertext preprocessor languages such as PHP.

iConductor manages the flow of information, applications, or data among multiple connected servers - regardless of platform or operating system. By providing robust features such as extensibility, data integration, variable management, display management, and transaction management, iConductor makes any Apache server a potent platform for application development and hosting.

“Competitive systems cost many thousands of dollars”, according to Vincent. “However, users can sample iConductor as shareware, and can utilize the array of functionality through trial versions of iConductor plug-ins”.

The non-commercial shareware version of the iConductor module and free trials of module plug-ins are available at www.i-conductor.com.

Farpointer Technologies, Inc. is an innovative provider of eBusiness enabling software and services. Farpointer’s products and services simplify the integration and automation of eBusiness processes, helping companies bring end-to-end functionality to their Internet initiatives in the shortest possible time frame and at a cost far below that of competing solutions. Farpointer is a privately held company headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma. For additional information or to consult with a Farpointer representative, call 877-676-3249, extension 30, or visit www.farpointer.com.