2001-11-02 -+- Richard Hegg -+- richardhegg@gmx.ch -+- Nice article! In "Funkamateur 11.01" is a description of the chip used in ATEN UC-232A (FT232AM) with more hardware details.
On the webside of the producer "www.ftichip.com" is also more information and software available.

Richard 2001-11-03 -+- Bryan J. Smith -+- b.j.smith@ieee.org -+- Great. Any details on what it does and doesn't support? Most of the docs I have read traditional UART capabilities of USB-to-serial devices are quite limited -- and probably won't work with serial devices that require the lesser used ones.

E.g., many of us need an USB-to-serial converter that can work with an external modem. Not just because we are "old fashioned," but because we have a wireless phone that can also act as a 14.4Kbaud modem (e.g., Kyrocera SmartPhone). With many systems now shipping legacy-free (e.g., my Toshiba 2805-S402 notebook, which
has everything _but_ serial), we're looking for an USB-to-serial converter that _completely_supports_ _all_ UART functionality.

Until then, I'm stuck with a nasty (and expensive) serial PCMCIA card as my only option.
2002-03-17 -+- Bruno Cochofel -+- b_cochofel@yahoo.com -+- I want to know if, with the UC-232A on linux i can program to the serial port using all the "termios" options. Also if this is possible, how do i open the serial port? "ttySx" or "ttyUSBx". I've compile the kernel, do a

modprobe usb-uhci
mount -t usbdevfs none /proc/bus/usb
modprobe pl2303

but how can i know if the driver is well?

I'm used to do a loopback test, (short circuit between RxD and Txd, pin 2 and 3 of the serial port), in hyper terminal - windows, with the serial port, just to check if the serial is ok, can i do this in linux? How?

Please help, i need to program to the serial port on linux, and all i've is a compaq presario 700, with no serial, and the ATEN UC-232A... 2002-12-03 -+- Carlos Pereira -+- carlos.pereira@pararede.com -+- Hi,

I get the drivers for PL2303 on Prolific Web Site but I'm not able to compile it. I'm getting a lot of errors during compilation.

There is another place where I can get the latest drivers or the compiled modules?

Carlos -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) #2003-08-09 -+- Ray Gibbard -+- ray@gibbard49.fsnet.co.uk -+- I am trying to install a USB data cable driver file name 'PL-2303USB-to-Serial'to my Toshiba 4080xcdt lap top using a CD.The installation is shown as 'successful' but it cannot be located anywhere on the computer.I am not an expert by any means but this seems to have baffled others who know a lot more about it than me.Anyone got any ideas?
Ray -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT; FREESERVE_IE5) #2004-09-14 -+- Carlo Manuel Pereira -+- carlopereira@clix.pt -+- please help,i`ve s.o. xp home, and UC-232A no comucacion very well. -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Clix; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)