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From: The Trainingsupplies.com Team

You have a great web site!

We are writing to let you know that your web site meets our 
criteria for listing a site on Trainingsupplies.com, and we would 
be pleased to have your site listed on the Trainingsupplies.com 
search engine.  Trainingsupplies.com can help your site generate 
more sports and shopping targeted traffic each month. 
Trainingsupplies.com is an Internet portal site that guides people
to sites for sports and online shopping on the Internet.  

With the Christmas shopping season quickly approaching, and just
17 days (or less) to the opening ceremonies of the 2000 Olympic
Games, Internet traffic/usage is forecast to increase dramatically,
making it a perfect time to attract the potentially thousands of
early Internet shoppers/visitors to your web site.  In view of 
these up coming millennium events, Trainingsupplies.com just a days 
away from launching a multi-million dollar marketing campaign, that
is expected to increase it's current monthly traffic by as much
60% or more - meaning more traffic for you!

Trainingsupplies.com presently receives 847,131 unique visitors
monthly (avg.), with just over 1% Internet reach. According to 
PC Data Online, Trainingsupplies.com ranks in the top 1200 web 
properties on the Internet!

Currently, we are offering a variety of programs focused on 
achieving your advertising marketing goals.  List your web site,
products and services on Trainingsupplies.com to get targeted, 
cost-effective traffic.  Trainingsupplies.com provides the most
cost-effective ways to drive targeted traffic to your web site 
and promote your products and services.  Increase your site 
revenue and the number of visitors to your site with a variety 
of advertising options that help you effectively target consumers 
and businesses. 

We are confident that our program has clear advantage over others:
1) Unlike most search engine/banner programs, our program only 
depends on the visibility/effectiveness of your banner or text link.
2) The Trainingsupplies.com brand is huge and growing fast. Our 
marketing campaign will make users more likely to click through than 
with some no-name merchant.  
3) Our web site gives users one-click access to your comprehensive
content - meaning more profit for you.  

Add your site before September 5, 2000 and SAVE! (valid 8/1/00 - 9/5/00) [1 year minimum required]: 

RIGHT NOW is a great time to list your site on Trainingsupplies.com 
because if you sign up for 1 year, you will receive an additional 2 
month listing at no extra charge.  From August 1, 2000 through 
September 5, 2000, the price for any new advertisement
(14 months or longer) has been reduced by almost 17%!

Sign-up is easy and you can start receiving targeted traffic in less than
5 business days. 

A great way to get started is to visit the Trainingsupplies.com home page 
at: http://www.trainingsupplies.com

To begin participating in the program immediately, simply click 
"list a site" located on the bottom of the home page or click here:

To list your banner ad on the home page and up to two categories:

To list your text only ad in up to two categories:

Other advertising options are available on "list your site" page.

To sign up by credit card:

   *  Click on the "Sign up Now!" button on the list your site screen.

To sign up by check or money order send payment to address shown on
list your site screen.:

   *  We will begin processing your order once your check has been received 
      at our offices.

To sign up by bank or wire transfer send payment to the Bank of Montreal.  
Address and account Information are shown on list your site screen:

   *  Once payment has been made, please send an e-mail to
      staff@trainingsupplies.com, detailing time, date, your contact 
      information, the amount and method of payment.  After your payment 
      has been confirmed, we will begin to process your order.

If you have further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to 
e-mail us at mailto:http://www.staff@trainingsupplies.com 
or mailto:sales@trainingsupplies.com

We would be pleased to have you as a member and look forward to a mutually 
beneficial relationship. 

Best regards,
Derek Robertson
Marketing Representative

Please save this email for future reference.



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