June 23, 2003 gawk replaced with nawk in extfs scripts The tarball has been repacked by compress. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This set of binaries was built from sources of Midnight Commander 4.6.0 using the following script: make distclean ./configure --with-screen=mcslang --without-x make make install Option --disable-nls was added on HP-UX to fix build problems. No changes were made to the sources. No third party libraries are required to run this build. Installation: If you are lucky and have root access, just uncompress the file into /usr/local directory. If you don't have root access, you can uncompress it in your home directory and set MC_DATADIR accordingly, so mc will be able to find its data files. Suppose you installed mc into /u/c_avarak/mc/AIX/, then you must do the following: export MC_DATADIR=/u/c_avarak/mc/AIX/share/mc Midnight Commander is functional even if doesn't have access to its data files. Alexander Varakin avarakin@hotmail.com