# $Id: makefile 1.2 92/08/22 15:35:57 AMc Exp Locker: AMc $ # # RandySnd is (C) 1992 Anthony McCarthy # # Feel free to use and abuse this program to your own ends. # However, it is provided FREE, AS-IS and with absolutely NO # WARRANTY whatsoever. Use it at your own risk. # # If you really like this program, a donation of a few pounds, # dollars, roubles, francs or whatever would be appreciated, to: # Anthony McCarthy, 14 Beryl Road, Bedminster, Bristol, BS3 3DH, UK # # Having said there's no warranty, please report any bugs to: # amc@beryl.demon.co.uk # amccarthy@cix.compulink.co.uk # 100012.3712@compuserve.com # # This is the MSC7 makefile for the RANDYSND Windows 3.1 utility DEBUG_BUILD = 0 !IF $(DEBUG_BUILD) CLDBG = -Od -Zi LNDBG = /CO !ELSE CLDBG = -Os LNDBG = !ENDIF all: randysnd.exe UPCH = -Yuafxwin.h CC = cl -c -d -Yd -W4 -G2 -GAs -Zp -AS $(CLDBG) afxwin.pch: makefile $(CC) -Ycafxwin.h randysnd.cpp randysnd.res: randysnd.rc randysnd.dlg randysnd.h rc -r randysnd.rc randysnd.obj: randysnd.cpp randysnd.h afxwin.pch $(CC) $(UPCH) $*.cpp randysnd.def: makefile copy << randysnd.def NAME RANDYSND DESCRIPTION 'System Sound Randomizer : (C) 1992 Anthony McCarthy' STUB 'WINSTUB.EXE' EXETYPE WINDOWS HEAPSIZE 1000 STACKSIZE 8000 CODE MOVEABLE LOADONCALL DISCARDABLE DATA MOVEABLE MULTIPLE << randysnd.exe: randysnd.obj randysnd.res randysnd.def makefile link $(LNDBG) /NOD /NOE randysnd,,,safxcw shell mmsystem commdlg libw slibcew,randysnd.def; rc -v -t randysnd.res