binhyen.mid Mu`a xua^n tre^n ddi?nh bi`nh ye^n Springtime on a peaceful hill. cafedang.mid Ca` phe^ dda('ng. A cup of bitter, black coffee. comot.mid Co' mo^.t nga`y nhu+ the^' A day will come. contuoi.mid Co`n tuo^?i na`o cho em. A time for you. demcuoi.mid DDe^m cuo^'i cu`ng ga^`n nhau#. Last night together. gapnhau.mid Ga(.p nhau la`m ngo+#. Love and Shyness. hoavang.mid Hoa va`ng ma^'y ddo^. Yellow flowers of yesteryear. khongten.mid Ba`i ca kho^ng te^n. A song without title. matbiec.mid Ma('t bie^'c. Blue eyes. matle.mid Ma('t le^. cho ngu+o+`i. Tears for a stranger. muaroi.mid Mu+a ro+i#. The falling rain. muathu.mid Mu`a thu kho^ng tro+? la.i#. Parting in autumn. neubietc.jpg Ne^'u bie^'t cho#. If you only knew. rumai.mid Ru ma~i nga`n na(m. The everlasting lullaby. taondoi.mid Ta. o+n ddo+`i#. Thanks to life. thuydu.mid Khu'c Thu.y du A ballad for Thuy. tinhden.mid Ti`nh dde^'n ro^`i ddi#. Il pleut sur Bruxelles. tramnam.mid Ngu+o+`i ti`nh tra(m na(m. My faithful lover. A collection of MIDI arrangements from T. Q. Thang. trungvng.mid Tru+ng Vu+o+ng khung cu+?a mu`a thu#. Tell Laura I love her. vedayem.mid Ve^` dda^y em. Please come back to me. vienxu.mid Thuye^`n vie^~n xu+'. The wandering boat. xaemroi.mid Xa em ro^`i#. Sans elle. To get more information on these MIDI files, please open the URL :